Our Story

It starts in 2006 with our Founder Charlene Kelly deciding to make soap for her then 4 year old daughter who could not use store bought soap because of allergies and skin irritations. What started with a blistered 4 year old, turned into a mission. The more she looked and researched soap, the more Charlene became aware of the lack of simple, accessible, natural, safe and effective products for dry skin and hair. Specifically Kinky, Afro textured hair. Since that time of having to research thousands of ingredients, several DIY products and one attempted start up later, here we are at Ego Trip. 

All our products are tested on humans with love, they are handmade using botanical waters, herbs, oils and butters. Designed to trap moisture into dry skin and hair at the same time being respectful of the environment around us.

What We Care About

We care about Dry Skin and Hair.

We care about YOU. Plain and Simple.

What do you need?  What do you want? What will help you do you?

Drop us a line, we're happy to listen.

We want to "normalize" Afro textured hair products being accessible and mainstream.

We want products for dry and extremely dry skin to be readily available.

We want to contribute to a healthy lifestyle and environment.

We want you to be unapologetically you!

Our Philosophy

The essence of what we believe in is the essence of you.

Self Love, Self Care. Be beautiful, be unapologetic, be you.

We are a brand with a purpose. We want every curly, kinky swirly head of hair to be loved and cared for. We want all dry skin to be quenched. We want safe skin loving ingredients weather natural or synthetic to nourish our bodies while being sustainable to the environment.

We vow to be transparent and work together with you on this journey of self love.

Lets go on an Ego Trip.